Thursday, January 08, 2009

Identifying performance bottlenecks on a .NET windows app. Part II Using Native Images with CAB, reviewing Fusion Logs

We left off on the previous post with a newer version of NHibernate and a different mapping that avoided the byte per byte comparison of our byte arrays, however our application start up was slower, about 20 seconds and showing some screens for the first time was taking 10 seconds, not acceptable.

The performance decrease was gone but the start up was not good enough.

We got our hands on ANTS profiler again to see what was going on whenever we invoked a screen for the first time:

CPU usage:

Jitted Bytes per second:

and IO Bytes Read:

From these images we deducted there was quiet some Just-In-Time compilation going on when the screen was loaded. How to solve that? Using Native Images for our assemblies in order to avoid JIT compilation, see this MSDN article for this.

All in all that was quite easy to narrow down, we used NGen, installed the native images and voila!, let's profile again...

I wish it were that quick, we kept seeing JIT peaks :-O

Alright, let's use some heavier artillery and see why it's still JITting.

This is where we got our hands on Fusion logs. Fusion is the engine (DLL) in charge of loading and binding assemblies. The Fusion Log Viewer is the tool to see the logs for this DLL and troubleshoot loading problems. This tool is part of the SDK and can be downloaded from here. We aware that it's a heavy download. In order to use this tool once the SDK is installed:

1. Open in Fuslogvw.exe in folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin
2. If it shows up any entry click on the list box click on Delete All.
3. Click on Settings and choose Log all binds to disk and check Enable custom log path
4. And in the Custom log path edit box type C:\FusionLog
5. In C: drive create a new folder and name it FusionLog
6. Now run the application and execute scenarios where we are seeing JIT-ing
7. Now when you browse to C:\FusionLog you would see couple of folders.

We were unable to install the SDK in our production clients, so we ended up doing a registry edit in order to collect the logs. If you don't want to install the SDK, do the following:

1) Go to regedit
2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Fusion
3) Click on the right pane and new -> string value
4) Name it LogPath,click it in the value write C:\MyLog
5) Again right click the right pane
6) go for new DWord value,name it ForceLog
7) click it and give Value "1"
8) Then create a folder in C drive with the name MyLogs
9) Run the app and logs will be created

The logs are created as HTM files in the folder you decide. reviewing our logs we found out one of our main modules wasn't loading from its native image although the native image was on the native image cache. Why?

Let's give some more background information, we use CAB.

The Composite UI Block from Patterns and Practices had a main release on December 2005, there's been other releases for WPF and the most recent Prism project, but apart from the Smart Client Factory addition, the CAB framework has stayed pretty much the same for Windows Forms.

CAB is known for its Module Loader Service and was highly welcomed by windows developers as a framework that allows loose coupling with it's Event Publishing/Subscription mechanism, it's Services module and its MVP implementation.

All that is very good for the developer and for maintainability but the performance is not the greatest if you have quite a few publications and subscriptions going on and if you have a few modules loaded at start up. There are quite a few posts regarding this on CodePlex's CAB forum.

I could go on and on about the beauty of CAB and despite its performance issues, I do believe it offers more advantages than disadvantages to the windows developer. IMHO, being able to give modules to develop to different teams and being able to plug them into the application without any major compilations, only a configuration change is a big big plus, see these posts on CAB Module Loader Service (CAB Modules on Demand) and Dynamically Loading Modules in CAB)

The main reason for this module not loading from its native image is due to the Reflection mechanism currently used in CAB's Module Loader Service:
(namespace Microsoft.Practices.CompositeUI.Services)
assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file.FullName);

More information on Cook's archives

Codeplex community member Mariano Converti was prompt on offering a solution on his blog.
How To: Use the Ngen tool to improve the performance in CAB / SCSF applications

As to the date of this post, this code change hasn't been incorporated into any CAB release, they should do it soon though.

Happy performance troubleshooting!

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Encoding troubles, wait, your ANSI file is not the same as my ANSI file

Last week we made a utility for the release team to convert all the t-sql script files from any encoding to ANSI. Now we convert any encoding to Unicode, but the original request was to use ANSI encoding.

The .NET code we used basically opens with a StreamReader that detects encoding, opens a StreamWriter to a new file with Encoding.Default (now Encoding.Unicode) and writes the content read by the StreamReader.

The problem started when some developers submitted files saved with ANSI encoding. The tool always detected the encoding as US-ASCII, which has only 7 bits for character representation, while the file had accented letters that were lost in the conversion.

I was blaming StreamReader for not detecting the encoding properly until I found the article below on

A question posted on the Australian DOTNET Developer Mailing List ...

Im having a character encoding problem that surprises me. In my C# code I have a string " 2004" (thats a copyright/space/2/0/0/4). When I convert this string to bytes using the ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes method I get (in hex):

3F 20 32 30 30 34

The first character (the copyright) is converted into a literal '?' question mark. I need to get the result 0xA92032303034, which has 0xA9 for the copyright, just as happens when the text is saved in notepad

An ASCII encoding provides for 7 bit characters and therefore only supports the first 128 unicode characters. All characters outside that range will display an unknown symbol - typically a "?" (0x3f) or "|" (0x7f) symbol.

That explains the first byte returned using ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes()...

> 3F 20 32 30 30 34

What your trying to achieve is an ANSI encoding of the string. To get an ANSI encoding you need to specify a "code page" which prescribes the characters from 128 on up. For example, the following code will produce the result you expect...

string s = " 2004";
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
foreach (byte b in targetEncoding.GetBytes(s))
Console.Write("{0:x} ", b);

> a9 20 32 30 30 34

1252 represents the code page for Western European (Windows) which is probably what your using (Encoding.Default.EncodingName). Specifying a different code page say for Simplified Chinese (54936) will produce a different result.

Ideally you should use the code page actually in use on the system as follows...

string s = " 2004";
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.Default;
foreach (byte b in targetEncoding.GetBytes(s))
Console.Write("{0:x} ", b);

> (can depend on where you are!)

All this is particularly important if your application uses streams to write to disk. Unless care is taken, someone in another country (represented by a different code page) could write text to disk via a Stream within your application and get unexpected results when reading back the text.

In short,always specify an encoding when creating a StreamReader or StreamWriter - for example...

Our code was initially as follows:

StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(myfile, true);
String Contents = SR.ReadToEnd();

The StreamReader always detected US-ASCII as the file encoding when the file was saved with ANSI encoding, so the text lost all of the accented characters once it was read by the StreamReader. The StreamReader worked fine in detecting the encoding if the encoding was different that ANSI. This might be due to the different code pages used for the different ANSI encodings...

We changed the code not to trust on the StreamReader's ability to detect the ANSI code page:

Encoding e = GetFileEncoding(myfile);
StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(myfile, e,true);
String Contents = SR.ReadToEnd();

Where GetFileEncoding was published on this post

Note that on the code above, any ANSI encoded file is defaulted to the local ANSI encoding (default). If the file was saved on a machine with an ANSI code page different than the ANSI code page where the program is running, you might still have unexpected results.
