DevPartner Studio and the art of optimizing code.

The company purchased CompuWare DevPartner Studio…
I spent Friday testing the recently finished ASP.NET application with the new tool. I had quite a lot of warnings and things to fix ASAP. Being this app part of legacy code, it has some long methods that need a major refactoring. So my plan for the day is to put in practice what I recently read/learned in Martin Fowler’s Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code
and remove all those warnings for long methods, stinky code and refactoring needs. I should get my hands on NUnit for the first time (shame on me), and make sure the changes in the code won’t break the whole app. One extra thing though, the refactoring will have to be done manually, there’s no refactoring tool for VB.NET 1.1, there is one for 2.0, but we won’t be using 2.0 on production yet. So here is my formal complaint, the VB.NET community needs a VB.NET 1.1 refactoring tool!

PS. For those who read this post, Refactoring is not Optimizing code necesarily, Refactoring’s for humans to be able to maintain code easily, while some extra encapsulation might not be the most efficient way to have your code doing a task, it’s easier for us humans to maintain, and after all, we are the ones that charge per hour ;).